PT PP (Persero) Tbk atau PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk (nama dagang PP Construction & Investment) adalah salah satu BUMN yang bergerak di bidang perencanaan dan konstruksi bangunan.
Sebagai BUMN, mayoritas (51%) kepemilikan saham PT PP dipegang oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan sisanya (49%) dipegang karyawan dan manajemen PT PP. Sejak melantai di Bursa Efek Indonesia, mayoritas (51%) saham dipegang pemerintah, 45,36% saham publik dan 3,64% saham dipegang karyawan dan manajemen PT PP.
Lowongan Kerja PT PP (Persero) Tbk
Rekrutmen General Manager Colomadu
Managed by PT Sinergi Colomadu, one of the subsidiaries of PT PP (Persero) Tbk, De Tjolomadoe is an old sugar factory complex transformed into a new tourist attraction, family recreation area, historical landmark, and convention center.
Requirement :
- Control and have experience in managing commercial space and heritage museum business both operationally and financially
- Be highly experienced in the field of commercial events, including weddings and MICE events, especially in Karanganyar, Solo, and its surroundings
- Able to create and apply new concepts to commercial spaces that can create crowds of visitors
- Able to get strategic partners according to the target market segment according to positioning
- Control and have experience in digital marketing to create brand awareness
- Have a mastery of commercial networks that can create visitor growth for both government and non-government
Job Description :
- Develop and monitor the operational strategy of the heritage area management business in achieving marketing, sales, and profit targets, as well as evaluating the company's performance results
- Identify market analysis for external and internal business conditions as a basis for strategic planning and company business development
- Appoint business partners following business planning and valuation
- Increase digitalization of marketing, branding, and awareness campaigns
- Build good business relationships with business partners, vendors, and government
Lihat info : Loker BUMN
Alamat PT PP (Persero) Tbk
Head Office
Plaza PP - Wisma Subiyanto
Jl. TB Simatupang 57, Pasar Rebo
Jakarta Timur, 13760, Indonesia
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